Corporate Security Executives

What will the future hold for Corporate Security Executives? We all know that no violence prevention works 100% of the time, but the Center for Aggression Management offers Corporate Security Executives scientifically reliably violence prevention. We also offer solutions for the myriad challenges Corporate Security Executives face on a regular basis:

1.  Convincing the CEO, CFO or Client of Your Value:

While presenting at ASIS International, numerous Directors of Corporate Security said the day they dread most each year was the day they must convince their CEO/CFO or client that the money/budget spent for their services is appropriate. What evidence did they have? No one this year has been murdered! No one has been injured due to workplace aggression/violence! Of course, the evaluations made by CEO/CFOs are far too subjective and too often security budgets are subsequently cut. We can help you demonstrate with evidence-based quantifiable results why your company or client should invest in your services.

2.  Departmental Silos Make You Vulnerable:

Directors of security consistently tell me, “John, human resources, mental health, social services and those who handle conduct do not understand and respect ‘threat’ well enough. So, I don’t share everything we have with them.” Then, when I speak with the directors of human resources, mental health, social services, they tell me, “John, we are concerned that security can get too heavy-handed, so we don’t share everything that we have with them.” These departmental silos create gaps that aggressors simply walk though. Our Critical Aggression Prevention System (CAPS) offers a common language, a common denominator, so that all departments will be on the same page, working as one cohesive multidisciplinary team.

Come learn about how and why our Critical Aggression Prevention System (CAPS) works. Register for our next free one-hour CAPS webinar!

The Solution: The Future for Corporate Security

Although there is no absolute (100%) violence prevention; we can get out in front of and reliably prevent violence! But how? The FBI and Secret Service have for years suggested the most reliable way of preventing a future shooting is by “identifying someone on the path to violence.” 

The future for Security Professionals will be with those who are able to “reliably” identify individuals “on the path” and prevent violence from occurring, in a way that:

1.     Does not violate HIPAA, FERPA or the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

2.     Demonstrates its value to management by producing real-time Evidence-based Best Practices.

The solution for corporate security executives can be found in CAPS. It provides evidence-based best practices that can win over a CEO/CFO. It creates a common language so that all departments for the first time can understand and trust each other’s judgment. CAPS connects the responsibilities of human resources with security blending the two disciplines in a harmonious way.

Link to CAPS Solution for Corporate Security Executives

The Critical Aggression Prevention System (CAPS) has three components that distinguish it from all other systems: Aggression First Observers’ Training, Certified Aggression Managers’ Training and the CAPS’s Meter of Emerging Aggression (MEA) Mobile Software Service. Because we cannot train all people with all skills, the Center for Aggression Management trains Aggression First Observers using our scientifically validated MEA to observe “objective measurable observables” and report. Next, we train a small core group of Certified Aggression Managers (creating scalability) to observe and engage. Finally, we put in place the CAPS Mobile Software Service, which is built upon CAPS’s Meter of Emerging Aggression (MEA). MEA uses no culture, gender, education, age, sexual orientation or mental illness in its assessment. The MEA measures only aggressive behavior and assesses this behavior on a scientifically validated scale of aggression. The FBI and Secret Service refer to this as “identifying someone on the path to violence.” Thus, CAPS does not violate HIPAA or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or FERPA in our Schools. For CFOs, CAPS provides a clear return on investment. There is a verifiable direct cost relationship between inappropriate aggressive behavior in the workplace. Aggressive behavior results in employee friction, overtime costs, workers’ compensation costs, employee tardiness and absenteeism. The loss to productivity in terms of hard costs can be identified and measured in a survey prior to and following any CAPS implementation. These hard costs can be measured and illustrated in the language CFOs understand best: as a tangible return on investment. During the CAPS utility period aggressive behavior is tracked over time. From the CAPS baseline through Stage 9, we do not expect to have aggressors from the highest threat levels. We expect to get a lot of Stage 3, 4, and 5 aggressors. Logically, when we diffuse a Stage 5 aggressor, we also are preventing any subsequent aggression and/or violence from this individual. At the annual renewal of CAPS, we can demonstrate that your security department has created an environment that is “as safe as possible” utilizing the highest form of evidence-based best practices that both your CEO and CFO will find compelling.

Departmental Silos Solution and Getting Human Resource to Work with You.

Because human resources, mental health and security professionals are all using the same language, it enables greater interdepartmental understanding and cooperation. Trained on the Meter of Emerging Aggression security professionals will see that human resource professionals will connect lower staged aggression (issues like loss of trust, teamwork, leadership and loyalty) with more lethal forms of aggression (assaultive and violent behavior), thus they will understand and respect threat. While human resources professionals will see that security professionals are not heavy handed, but instead are responding in measured ways based upon CAPS protocol. For the first time you will have a truly multi-discipline team protecting your facilities. CAPS evaluates threats solely on the basis of aggressive behavior. This makes it much easier to prevent violent behavior without violating HIPAA, FERPA or the Civil Rights Act of 1964. CAPS also provides an Aggression Continuum that identifies aggressive behavior from its outset through and including the most lethal of all aggressors (Stage 9), the perpetrator of murder/suicide. CAPS and its Mobile Software Service provide the cooperative platform between security, risk management and human resources that permit all professionals to see and understand in real time the behavior of an aggressor, and what actions, if any, should be taken. It records and tracks this behavior to its appropriate conclusion, producing the highest form of evidence-based best practices.

To learn more about caps training for your organization / institution to prevent next mass shooting.

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