Selected by the US Department of Labor to represent the United States at the Tri-National (Canada, Mexico and USA) Violence as a Workplace Risk Conference
Institutes around the Nation: Kean U., Illinois State University, UTSA, Concordia U. and many more
Keynote Speaker at 1st Protective Security Conference (ProSecCon)
Academy of Venue Safety and Security
Keynote Speaker at the annual ESI (Executive Security International) Alumni Conference
IAAM (International Association of Assembly Managers)
NaBITA (National Behavioral Intervention Team Association), Preconference Workshop, Conference Session and Institute Workshop
ICMC (International Crowd Management Conference)
General Assembly Speaker at Aon Corporations Conference for Risk Retention Pools
NSC (National Safety Council) Annual Conference
Annual National Voluntary Protection Program Participants’ Association (VPPPA) Conference (three times)
NASB (National Association of School Boards) Annual Conference
The Florida Workers Compensation Educational Annual Conference (twice)
NDPC (National Dropout Prevention Center) Annual Conference
ACPA, American College Personnel Association - College Student Educators International Annual Conference
TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) Annual Conference
ASJA The Association for Student Judicial Affairs Annual Conference
ASIS (American Society of Industrial Security) Annual Conference
ASJA The Association for Student Judicial Affairs Annual Conference
Alliance for American Insurers Annual Conference
The Alabama Governors Safety & Health Annual Conference
ASLET (American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers) Annual Conference
The US Army Medical Command Safety Conference
AIA (American Insurance Association) Annual Conference
NCHERM (National Center for Higher Education Risk Management)
AORN (Association of Operating Room Nurses) Annual Conference
RIMS (Risk and Insurance Management Society) Conference on "Rage, Rage & More Rage"